As part of my ongoing campaign to get 90's indie the respect it deserves I'm highlighting another classic today...
So here is Monaco and What do you want from me
Friday, 30 November 2007
Swedish Word of the day...

I've been having fun watching a goat being built on a webcam...
OK, I know that doesn't sound too savory, but over the past few days the Gävle Goat has been built in the centre of Gävle. Its been quite entertaining. Last year was the first time the unofficial tradition of burning the goat failed due to the fact the straw was treated with special fire retardant chemicals...
If you want to watch the fun you can view the live feed here (don't forget to call the fire brigade if you see anyone trying to set it on fire!
So today's SWOTD is Julebock or "Christmas Goat"
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Swedish Word of the day...

Because I seem to be catching any bug going around (the CFS seems to lower my immunity), and because these bugs tend to exaggerate my CFS symptoms, I got a flue jab from the doctor when I had my monthly check-up on Tuesday. Which means that instead of a week, I just get a few days feeling rough!
Anyway I seem to be getting over it and back to (for me) normal (thankfully the sinus problems have gone too!)
So today's SWOTD is vaccinera or "vaccinate".
Friday, 23 November 2007
(family friendly) Music of the day
(to make up for the adult rated song I posted earrlier, here is Mitch Benn & The Distractions and Everything sounds like Coldplay Now)
Oh, the irony...!

This is Edinburgh's farmer's market, set up, like other farmers market's to supply local (low food miles), in season, fresh produce to the public at a fair price to the farmer (by cutting out the middle man- often a supermarket which depresses the price a farmer receives).
So why does Heinz insist on calling one of its new soup ranges "farmers market", when it goes against all the ideals of a real farmers market?
Swedish Word of the day...

I was sitting in the lobby/cafe of an expensive hotel yesterday waiting for a meeting. At the next table, a group of "businessmen" (with what I can only think to be lawyers or accountants) were discussing how they could "collapse" a company so avoid paying any tax on it. Honestly. They were going through all the "mistakes" that they knew others had made which made them liable for taxation...
I'm sorry but I see taxes as the subscription fee for belonging to a civilised society.
Which brings me to another interesting point. In the UK the torries have floated the idea that we should copy some aspect of the Swedish school system, but unlike Sweden they don't want the taxes to pay for it... nice try Dave the Chameleon.
So today's SWOTD is Skatt or "tax".
Music of the day
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Car (still) for sale
I put this advert up when I thought I was going to Denmark, however as I haven't driven the car since June, and I can't really afford to run it, Its still up for sale
03 SmartCar
68,400 Miles. Full service history, Taxed (only £35/year) until May 2008, 50-60 mpg (depending on how heavy your right foot is!), easy to park! low insurance group (group 1a)...
£1000 (minus the cost of an MOT)
(Sorry this is the only picture of the car I could find & I'm too lazy to take another one now...)
Reality Check (update)
A week ago I saw specialist in Edinburgh. It was good- he clearly knew his stuff and was sympathetic to the problem. He wants some more tests done and wants to chase up some of the previous tests, but was hopefully that my improvement should continue. On the plus side I had some blood taken and for the first time in ages it went OK (no collapsed veins, no standing with my hands in a basin of water trying to get veins on the back of my hand, etc).
However, for a week I've had a really bad problem with my sinuses (which doesn't help my condition at the moment). I saw the doctor on Monday (it seems as they take me seriously now) who decided that as I've had it over a week and because it is making my CFS symptoms worse, that I should get some medicine for it. Yesterday was better, however today is really bad. I'm in pain, my head aches and I really feel bad...
hopefully the meds will kick in soon.
However, for a week I've had a really bad problem with my sinuses (which doesn't help my condition at the moment). I saw the doctor on Monday (it seems as they take me seriously now) who decided that as I've had it over a week and because it is making my CFS symptoms worse, that I should get some medicine for it. Yesterday was better, however today is really bad. I'm in pain, my head aches and I really feel bad...
hopefully the meds will kick in soon.
Music of the day
I feel like getting political so for the next few days I'll post some more radical songs.
So here is Gene and This is as good as it gets
So here is Gene and This is as good as it gets
Monday, 19 November 2007
Music of the day
Another of the oldie but goodie indie’s...
The problem is finding videos...
My favourite song- Strange Glue is only available as a video for another film which I don’t liket... (if you close your eyes you can listen to it here)
My second fav- Londinium is available as a bad live show... here
So it has to be...
So here is Catatonia and Mulder and Scully
The problem is finding videos...
My favourite song- Strange Glue is only available as a video for another film which I don’t liket... (if you close your eyes you can listen to it here)
My second fav- Londinium is available as a bad live show... here
So it has to be...
So here is Catatonia and Mulder and Scully
Friday, 16 November 2007
And you wondreed why people don't go to church anymore...
I laughed... untill I remembered a few ministers who make this guy look like a red cross volunteer...
Music of the day
Time for another goose bump producing song from the Manics ...
If this doesn’t make you come out in bumps or want to jump up and down then you’re not alive...
(and these guys are great live...)
Wiki has the story behind the song
So here is The Manic Street Preachers and A design for life
If this doesn’t make you come out in bumps or want to jump up and down then you’re not alive...
(and these guys are great live...)
Wiki has the story behind the song
So here is The Manic Street Preachers and A design for life
Thursday, 15 November 2007
Music of the day
I decided it was time for some more classic indie ...
So here is James and She’s a Star
(If you want more, why not try his old classic sit down or a his newer Just like Fred Astaire)
So here is James and She’s a Star
(If you want more, why not try his old classic sit down or a his newer Just like Fred Astaire)
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Music of the day
Another more recent one (but hopefully off the radar for most of you)
Its time for some more british indie
So here is British Sea Power and It Ended on an Oily Stage
Its time for some more british indie
So here is British Sea Power and It Ended on an Oily Stage
Monday, 12 November 2007
Remembrance Day Reflections...
Remembrance Day Reflections...
As I watched the Cenotaph Ceremony on TV yesterday I was struck by my mixed emotions and reminded that I’m not sure what to think about Remembrance Day.
Firstly, I can’t help but think of those in the forces, those who died and those who returned, some whole and some broken. My family has strong ties to the forces with members of both my immediate and extended family having served. So I feel the burden of the “covenant” the country has with those who risk their lives for us, and yet I struggle with the idea of war and violence.
I suppose this is reflected by my understanding of war- I am torn between espousing the peaceful non cooperation of Gandhi on one hand, and the desire to fight for justice of Camilo Torres on the other... complicated.
So here are some of my random thoughts...
Although a staunch republican, I do respect the fact that members of the royal family have themselves served in the front line.
I do believe that many have made sacrifices, I do believe that the struggle against Nazism for example was necessary- but why don’t we remember those who volunteered to fight against the other fascist dictator- Franco?
How do I respond to the fact that soldiers are dying in a war I did not support...
What about those who did in the struggles against injustice but who didn’t wear a uniform?
Where is the place for remembering the conscientious objectors (there wasn’t always the option for them to serve in a non-combatant role like stretcher bearing)? There were those who were incarcerated in the most notorious prisons.
Do the politicians who place their wreaths actually realise the gravity of their decisions to send their countries to war?
So as you can probably tell, I’m a little uncertain how I feel.
If any question why they died
Tell them because our fathers lied
Rudyard Kipling
The hand that signed the paper
The hand that signed the paper felled a city; Five sovereign fingers taxed the breath, Doubled the globe of dead and halved a country; These five kings did a king to death. The mighty hand leads to a sloping shoulder, The fingers' joints are cramped with chalk; A goose's quill has put an end to murder That put an end to talk. The hand that signed the treaty bred a fever, And famine grew, and locusts came; Great is the hand that holds dominion over Man by a scribbled name. The five kings count the dead but do not soften The crusted wound nor stroke the brow; A hand rules pity as a hand rules heaven; Hands have no tears to flow.
Dylan Thomas
[Sorry about the formatting... blogger just can't get it right. grrr...]
As I watched the Cenotaph Ceremony on TV yesterday I was struck by my mixed emotions and reminded that I’m not sure what to think about Remembrance Day.
Firstly, I can’t help but think of those in the forces, those who died and those who returned, some whole and some broken. My family has strong ties to the forces with members of both my immediate and extended family having served. So I feel the burden of the “covenant” the country has with those who risk their lives for us, and yet I struggle with the idea of war and violence.
I suppose this is reflected by my understanding of war- I am torn between espousing the peaceful non cooperation of Gandhi on one hand, and the desire to fight for justice of Camilo Torres on the other... complicated.
So here are some of my random thoughts...
Although a staunch republican, I do respect the fact that members of the royal family have themselves served in the front line.
I do believe that many have made sacrifices, I do believe that the struggle against Nazism for example was necessary- but why don’t we remember those who volunteered to fight against the other fascist dictator- Franco?
How do I respond to the fact that soldiers are dying in a war I did not support...
What about those who did in the struggles against injustice but who didn’t wear a uniform?
Where is the place for remembering the conscientious objectors (there wasn’t always the option for them to serve in a non-combatant role like stretcher bearing)? There were those who were incarcerated in the most notorious prisons.
Do the politicians who place their wreaths actually realise the gravity of their decisions to send their countries to war?
So as you can probably tell, I’m a little uncertain how I feel.
If any question why they died
Tell them because our fathers lied
Rudyard Kipling
The hand that signed the paper
The hand that signed the paper felled a city; Five sovereign fingers taxed the breath, Doubled the globe of dead and halved a country; These five kings did a king to death. The mighty hand leads to a sloping shoulder, The fingers' joints are cramped with chalk; A goose's quill has put an end to murder That put an end to talk. The hand that signed the treaty bred a fever, And famine grew, and locusts came; Great is the hand that holds dominion over Man by a scribbled name. The five kings count the dead but do not soften The crusted wound nor stroke the brow; A hand rules pity as a hand rules heaven; Hands have no tears to flow.
Dylan Thomas
[Sorry about the formatting... blogger just can't get it right. grrr...]
Music of the day

If I had to choose the best group in recent history The Verve would have to be up there. Their Album Urban Hymns could even be one of the best of the last century (well its my blog I get to choose!)
What song to showcase?
Everyone has heard bittersweet symphony and whilst it is good, I think its over exposed.
The drugs don’t work (video/(live)- class!
I like “space and time” and “velvet morning”... but as I couldn’t get a video, my next favourite will have to do.
So here is the verve and sonnet
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Music of the (Remembrance Sun)day
The Manics are one of my favourite bands...
I’ll come back to them again, but this one is here because today is Remembrance Sunday.
This song is about the Spanish Civil War, so I thought (along with the other posts today) I’d highlight a less commonly remembered conflict.
So here is The Manic Street Preachers and If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next (their first UK No.1 Single)
I’ll come back to them again, but this one is here because today is Remembrance Sunday.
This song is about the Spanish Civil War, so I thought (along with the other posts today) I’d highlight a less commonly remembered conflict.
So here is The Manic Street Preachers and If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next (their first UK No.1 Single)
Remembrance Sunday

In 1923 the Lingmell, Great End, Allan Crags, Green Gable, Great Gable, Kirkfell and some other peaks were bought in memory of the fallen walkers and climbers and handed over to the National Trust.
Afar in foreign graves they lie,
Not here where they could wish to be,
"Under the wide and starry sky,"
Upheld by British crag and scree.
And yet we felt their spirits dwell
Amidst the circumambient air,
Above the heights they loved so well,
Austere, enchanting, cloud-capped, bare.
For those who bravely die, 'twas said,
Their tomb is the wide earth's extent,
And Gable is for these, our dead,
Their playground, and their monument.
You can read more about that day here
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Music of the day
Ok, so it gets a bit personal here...
If anyone tells you that being a minister is easy they are lying.
I’m not a big fan of “contemporary Christian music” mostly because it (in my opinion) isn’t usually contemporary, and usually isn’t that good. I also don’t particularly like “worship” music (buts probably down to my worship hang-ups...), So I normally found my “inspiration’, etc in “regular music”.
However this song cuts through that... I times when I put this on in the car on repeat as I drove to church, or as I sat outside trying to psyche myself up to walk through the doors...
So here is David Crowder Band and Deliver Me (the music is their's, the picture's are someone elses)
If anyone tells you that being a minister is easy they are lying.
I’m not a big fan of “contemporary Christian music” mostly because it (in my opinion) isn’t usually contemporary, and usually isn’t that good. I also don’t particularly like “worship” music (buts probably down to my worship hang-ups...), So I normally found my “inspiration’, etc in “regular music”.
However this song cuts through that... I times when I put this on in the car on repeat as I drove to church, or as I sat outside trying to psyche myself up to walk through the doors...
So here is David Crowder Band and Deliver Me (the music is their's, the picture's are someone elses)
Friday, 9 November 2007
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Swedish Word of the day...
Music of the day (updated)
In 1998 the Swedish group kent released an English version of their album Isola. It had the “feel” of Radiohead and got decent airplay on the alternative and indie radio stations.
Its hard to pick a favourite track, as most of them are pure class, but “lifesavers”, “if you were here” and “things she said” stand out. However the only track i could find on YouTube is the airplay edit (i.e. short version) of the final song on the album... I won’t complain, it might not be the best but its still good.
So here is kent and 747 (named after the length of the album version, which is infinitely better!)
To see their latest single (in Swedish I’m afraid) click here
UPDATE: I found some more vids from Isola!!
Things she said
AND YES I FINALY FOUND If you were here although it sounds better in swedish (on du var här)
Its hard to pick a favourite track, as most of them are pure class, but “lifesavers”, “if you were here” and “things she said” stand out. However the only track i could find on YouTube is the airplay edit (i.e. short version) of the final song on the album... I won’t complain, it might not be the best but its still good.
So here is kent and 747 (named after the length of the album version, which is infinitely better!)
To see their latest single (in Swedish I’m afraid) click here
UPDATE: I found some more vids from Isola!!
Things she said
AND YES I FINALY FOUND If you were here although it sounds better in swedish (on du var här)
Music of the day
Here's a song from last year... Its from a live performance so lacks the depth of a studio recording, but makes up for it with its raw edgy-ness...
I heard this last year (those who read my old blog might remember how it made up for the lack of coffee one early day...) and its still a great driving song...
So here is The Raconteurs and Steady, As She Goes
(Ok after the initial treat of two songs in one day... I'll stick to one a day and try to find some more good but old ums)
I heard this last year (those who read my old blog might remember how it made up for the lack of coffee one early day...) and its still a great driving song...
So here is The Raconteurs and Steady, As She Goes
(Ok after the initial treat of two songs in one day... I'll stick to one a day and try to find some more good but old ums)
Music of the day
I didn’t really get into music until my late teens, early twenties, so it was british music of the 90’s that shaped my tastes...
I remember hearing a song on the radio back in, I think, ‘98. I quite liked it but as it was on an indie label it was hard to get hold of (sorry this was pre-itunes for you kids out there...). Now it wasn’t great, and when I did track it down I really didn’t want the whole album, so I never bought it. However I came across it on YouTube my accident, so even though my tastes have changed somewhat, here is Electrasy and Morning Afterglow
I remember hearing a song on the radio back in, I think, ‘98. I quite liked it but as it was on an indie label it was hard to get hold of (sorry this was pre-itunes for you kids out there...). Now it wasn’t great, and when I did track it down I really didn’t want the whole album, so I never bought it. However I came across it on YouTube my accident, so even though my tastes have changed somewhat, here is Electrasy and Morning Afterglow
Swedish Word of the day...

A few years back I was sharing a suite in a hotel in budapest with some swedish colleagues and one complained about the bed- he'd just got a Tempur mattress so the one in the hotel was killing him. I'd never heard of this so he explained that it was a memory foam mattress. Later on, Katarina explained that they had been developed for NASA and I was given a pillow. I have to tell you, as skeptical as I was, it works. Now I hardly ever have neck aches, and if I do, its because I wasn't using it.
So today's SWOTD is kudde or "pillow".
Why do I blog?
I started my old (typepad) blog for several reasons; I wanted to share some pictures of my Mexico climbing trip, I wanted to keep in touch with friends, I I needed a virtual church noticeboard as our church was going through a rebuild (I used to post pictures to keep members up to date with the progress), I wanted to get in on some conversations online. So on the old blog I had a regular “thought for the day” and I got into theological/ministry issues, along with some personal stuff (music of the day, etc).
I stopped the old blog when I couldn’t afford to pay to keep it up (long story- I left ministry to do some more PG study, funding fell through, difficulties finding work, them I got ill) but wanted to keep online so I moved to blogger.
For a while I didn’t post much- mostly because I wasn’t feeling well. As I introduced here my illness even affected my ability to concentrate (read/blog/etc). Now I’m beginning to feel better I’m starting to blog again. This accomplishes several things- I’m stuck at home, either bored or ill so it gives me an outlet. However, if you’re looking for deep theological insight, we’ll I’m afraid you’ll really need to shift it to find the pearls. Its not that I’m not into that any more- Its just that its going to take a while to get back into reading and thinking... so if you can put up with all my junk, please stay and read...
So in short, this blog is really becoming a sort of journal covering my life’s ups and downs. It focuses on my health, my interests and my journey... so maybe the title wasn’t too far off
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Swedish Word of the day...

After a feeling quite good over the weekend and ito this week, today I'm not so good. I've a constant low level headache [UPDATE: Its more like a constant sinus headache that increases when I move my head...], I'm a litle lightheaded and dizzy too... Oh well, lets hope its just temporary and I continue to get better.
So today's SWOTD is vacklande or "groggy".
"Economist" on religion & public life

The The Economist(yes I do feel strange and sullied) have a cover story about religion in public life and politics. What makes it all the more interesting is that (although there's no way you'd know as the "forget" to mention it) 7 years ago they published an obituary for god as they thought he (sic) was irrelevant...
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Swedish Word of the day...
When I was a kid (no, don't stop reading...) I found a stack of old Look and learn magazines in a charity sale (for Blue Peter if I remember correctly), so when I found some of their images on the web it brought back memories... Anyway, here is their guide to Edinburgh.

Monday, 5 November 2007
"Holy tipple may take priests over the limit"
In honour of this story in this weekends Grauniad (if you don't get it leave a comment and we promise to only laugh for a bit before explaining) I'm posting one of Jon Birch's Ongoing Adventures of ASBO Jesus

All Saints Day/All Hallows/All Souls Day
I bet that if you attended a Seventh-day Adventist Church last weekend you wouldn’t have heard much about this day in the Christian Calandar. This isn’t just to do with adventist aversion to a liturgical form, but more to the belief in “Soul Sleep”. However, does this mean we throw the baby out with the bathwater?
After all, isn’t it worthwhile spending time remembering the lives of those who have are no longer with us? A time to collectively say thank you for all they gave us, a time to reflect on grief, on bereavement and on death?
You can change the name, you can reject the theology behind the traditional Calandar, but that doesn’t mean we can’t address the subject, does it?
After all, isn’t it worthwhile spending time remembering the lives of those who have are no longer with us? A time to collectively say thank you for all they gave us, a time to reflect on grief, on bereavement and on death?
You can change the name, you can reject the theology behind the traditional Calandar, but that doesn’t mean we can’t address the subject, does it?
Swedish Word of the day...

One of my learning methods involves watching films- Swedish films with subtitles so I can hear how the words are pronounced, and English films I know with Swedish subtitles... (Ok I'm also using a language course produced by a reputable educator not just watching TV!).
So today's SW'sOTD is Du ska ju bara spränga bort dörrarna! or "You're only supposed to blow the bl***y doors off" (at least that's how Charlie Crocker's famous words are translated in the subtitles!)
Swedish Word of the day...

So today's SWOTD is glögg or "mulled wine"
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