Wednesday, 11 February 2009

ughh... that 's why I don't drink instant

Those who know me know that I take my coffee seriously...

In fact I either take a flask of "home brew" with me or I stop off on the way to work to get one filled.

Today I thought, "ah, I'll stay in bed for the extra five minutes and just use instant..."

So now I remember why I don't drink instant...

Which lead me to this famous clip... and No.1 in my new occasional series- "Famous Film coffee mistakes"

So, what was the mistake?

Answers in the comments please

Thursday, 5 February 2009

The Cathedral of St Mac...

As a mac user... (and occasional Mac evangelist) I had to laugh at this account of a visit to the Mac store!

Go on, have a laugh... its been a long day!

Beyond the Summits

I've just got a copy of Catherine Destivelle's film, Passion des Cimes (Beyond the Summits)...

When my jaw's stopped dropping I'll post a review... however here's a couple of (compared to the DVD) very bad quality clips to keep you going:

the "bishop", the "right-wing extremist group", and "that" film...

A few weeks ago several of my disparate feeds in my blog reader came together.

It started with the Swedish News feeds."Right Wing Extremist allowed to use Church buildings" caught my attention. Expecting it to refer to the usual suspects- neo-Nazi, skinheads, motorcycle gangs, etc, was read on to discover that they were referring to SSPX in Sweden.

This group of extremist catholics had, in a reaction to Vatican 2 become schismatic after they went ahead and consecrated 4 bishops without papal authority. Because the Roman Catholic Church in Sweden wouldn't allow them to use their buildings they used (Lutheran) Church of Sweden and Church of England (the Diocese of Gibraltar has two Anglican Churches in Sweden) buildings for their services.

At the same time other news feds (both secular and religious) started running a story that SSPX bishop Williamson had been quoted as denying the Holocaust (again).

At the same time, Catholic (and Anglo-Catholic) blogs were running stories that rumours were surfacing that the pope would lift the excommunications and start the process of allowing SSPX back into the fold.

The rest is history... the rumours became fact and the excommunications were lifted... the outrage at Williamson's words grew and after Several weeks the pope declared that he would have to recant before being allowed back.

However, whilst everyone seems to be castigating Williamson they are forgetting the context of his interview- the original Swedish documentary which gave rise to the first news feed.

For whilst everyone seems content to distance themselves (rightfully) from Williamson's shameful words, and attempt to portray this as one twisted person (his comment on women in trousers didn't help either!), they have failed to respond to the central argument of the documentary.

The film was not an expose of Williamson (a quick google search will show that he's been providing evidence that he's a pallium short of a full set of vestments for a while...), but instead a catalogue of links between SSPX in Sweden and far-right, extremist, and anti-Semitic groups. The film argues that this is more than a simple problem of one troublesome priest, that the whole organization is riddled with this kind of problem.

Again, this is not a new allegation, what is new is that this is being overlooked and one man is being scapegoated so that the rest of the organisation can continue. Williamson may be under censure for his remarks, but what about the rest of the whole sorry lot?

Now, in case your Swedish isn't up to it, you can watch the documentary with English subtitles here until 21st Feb.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

...But I've got the milk...

On Monday England came to a halt... we were so shocked to see some strange white stuff on the ground which we were informed was called snow.

Apparently it necessitated shutting the country down...

Sadly a few of us didn't receive the message and made our way into work.

There our receptionist told us that she had heard them say on the radio that you should only drive if your journey was absolutely necessary...

So why was she in work?

..."but I've got the milk for the office!"

A new definition of an absolutely necessary journey is born!

Monday, 5 January 2009

New Year (and all that)

Regular readers (all 2 of you!) might remember a post a put up a few years ago about resolutions (and yes I'm still keeping that one!).

But here is this year's list... lets see how long it lasts:

1)Build up my strength/get back to fitness
2)Learn more Swedish
3)Continue to rediscover our Christian roots (my greek-eng Apostolic Fathers in on its way)
4)Learn to sing (that'll strke fear into the heart-and ears-of anyone near by!)

What about you?

They think its cold here...

Got back to Blighty yesterday with a wry smile.

I saw on the web people complaining about -3 C at midnight on New Year'Eve in Edinburgh... It was -4 durring the day where I was!

When I got to the airport yesterday morning I watched them de-ice the wings and plough/scrape the runway as it was -10!
