Monday, 5 January 2009

New Year (and all that)

Regular readers (all 2 of you!) might remember a post a put up a few years ago about resolutions (and yes I'm still keeping that one!).

But here is this year's list... lets see how long it lasts:

1)Build up my strength/get back to fitness
2)Learn more Swedish
3)Continue to rediscover our Christian roots (my greek-eng Apostolic Fathers in on its way)
4)Learn to sing (that'll strke fear into the heart-and ears-of anyone near by!)

What about you?

They think its cold here...

Got back to Blighty yesterday with a wry smile.

I saw on the web people complaining about -3 C at midnight on New Year'Eve in Edinburgh... It was -4 durring the day where I was!

When I got to the airport yesterday morning I watched them de-ice the wings and plough/scrape the runway as it was -10!
