When I first went for a walk in Falkenberg over a year ago I saw several of these dotted around the park. What were they? Was it a straw holder to feed animals in spring? Was it a place where you could tie your kids up and let them play whilst you left them for a while?
Well no... today on the TV I saw a news story and all of a sudden I shouted out, "that's what they're for!"
See if you can guess! Leave your suggestions in the comments section and I'll let you know who gets it right!
Frisbee golf. Common around Texas parks.
I'd like to think it they were somewhere to tie the kids up to for a while!!, but I've never seen them.
Well it turns out anonymous is right- DiscGolf... although I'd never seen them before either... I'd better not take a couple of Frisbee's to St.Andrews next time I'm passing- they burn me as a heretic!
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